Monday, 9 April 2007



该书不是出自一人之手,而是编录了来自于各个国家的经济学精英发表的精辟文章。各位来自哈佛商学院、Morgan Stanley、Godman Sachs、复旦大学等组织和机构的经济学人士都对中国经济的过去和未来发表了自己的看法。到底中国是“崛起!”还是“崛起?”,中国的金融改革,贫富差距和能源等问题将去向何方,这些问题都能在书中得到阐述。难能可贵的是,书中有众多文章将中国和日本、印度,拉美等国家做了比较,以史为鉴,角度各有不同,而并非都是一成不变地谈及那么几个热点话题。

Sunday, 8 April 2007

NAAS Alumni Dinner

Dear Alumni,

Alumni dinner coming your way! On 14th Apr, NAAS (Nottingham Alumni Association Shanghai) will meet a group of 17 British and Chinese students visiting Shanghai, led by Darryn, a tutor from the Business School in the Jubilee Campus, with the participation of the officer from the Nottingham University Shanghai Office. It will be a great social event and a dinner is arranged. The main purpose for the event is to:
  • General introduction on Shanghai's economy & career prospect
  • Exchange life & career experience with current students in UK
  • Alumni event to recap with old friends

It'll also be opportune to recall your days in Nottingham, and to present the development of alumni's career and the growth of NAAS.

Please find the detail of the buffet dinner as follow:

  • Time & Venue: To Be Confirmed
  • Brief Menu & comment: TBC
  • Size: 35
  • Fee: 100RMB, TBC

Please apply by replying this email or emailing Benny at, with your and your partner's name and mobile No., to confirm seats. Only 35 vacancies are available and it's first come first serve.

Thank you for your interest.

Benny Chen
Communication Officer