Thursday, 15 February 2007
Videos of iPhone and Google
Steve Jobs at Macworld 2007, presenting iPhone
NBC on Google, commenting on its working environment
Another thought on music
Many know that some European countries, such as Noway, have been lashing out at the model of iTunes online store + iPod, buffing that it caused unfair competitiveness. To fight back, Steve Jobs explained that the tie between iTunes and iPod is not something that Apple imposed. Instead, it is what the the world's top record labels ask Apple to do.
According to Steve, the reason is that:
Since Apple does not own or control any music itself, it must license the rights to distribute music from others, primarily the "big four" music companies: Universal, Sony BMG, Warner and EMI. These four companies control the distribution of over 70% of the world’s music. When Apple approached these companies to license their music to distribute legally over the Internet, they were extremely cautious and required Apple to protect their music from being illegally copied. The solution was to create a DRM system, which envelopes each song purchased from the iTunes store in special and secret software so that it cannot be played on unauthorized devices.
To prevent illegal copies, DRM systems must allow only authorized devices to play the protected music. If a copy of a DRM protected song is posted on the Internet, it should not be able to play on a downloader's computer or portable music device.
Steve Jobs argued that Sony and Microsoft are doing the same thing, making musics brought from their online stores, i.e. Sony's content Store and Microsoft Zune Store, to be playable only on their own devices.
He also listed out some solutions to change the status quo:
- Apple to license its FairPlay DRM technology to current and future competitors with the goal of achieving interoperability
- To abolish DRMs entirely. Imagine a world where every online store sells DRM-free music encoded in open licensable formats.
He believes that abolishing the barrier completely is "clearly the best alternative for consumers, and Apple would embrace it in a heartbeat".
I reckon that Sony and Microsoft used to think about that too. But probably Apple's Steve Jobs is the only one who mused about how to convince the record labels to break down the normative DRM rules, even if they thought that guy is flat-out silly. I guess Steve will continue working diligently on this further with inherent passion.
It might be a great timing for Microsoft and Sony to join Apple to take on record labels?
Monday, 12 February 2007
创新 = ?
- 是解决问题,而不是创造新的问题——虽然这句话听起来很傻。
- 要充分了解问题,并提供好的解答。
A solution to a problem only makes sense if it is simpler, easier and cheaper than the present situation.
The best inventions offer simple, albeit innovative, solutions to existing problems.
Innovation is about finding new solutions to old problems – not figuring out new problems to fit your technology.
Update: 正好这里有一篇Guy Kawasaki的The art of innovation,对创新有更深的解说。中文翻译版在这里。
Sunday, 11 February 2007
Spring Festival comes late this year; it will not begin until Feb 18. This throws off the normal January craziness. "The business was slack in January", a friend who is a salesman of an electronic component factory tells me. That's not all. Due to the lateness of the festival, people will actually be on vacation till almost the end of Feb. That means people will be in abnormal working conditions for almost two months. Smart advertisers will not promote their product for business customers at this time.
因为大年初一要2月18日才姗姗来迟,所以整个2007年的一月份大部分人都会“沉浸”在一种期待的心情中。如果business trip安排在1月底和2月初,那基本上没有谁会热情接待你。而且,大多数人会将自己一年的假期安排在新年之后,直到2月底。所以2007年的前2个月,公司业绩几乎就不会有啥好的表现了。
Seeking alpha的数据表明,对于很多公司而言,每年的第一个季度业绩并不会很理想,比如新浪,百度和搜狐,他们都是非常依赖于广告业绩的公司,也都相继表示了对第一季度的预计并不会太好的预期。