Wednesday, 28 March 2007


  • 芬达是德国纳粹发明的。假的。芬达不是德国纳粹发明的,不过背景却与其有关。二次大战时,可口可乐德国分部因为禁运关系,难以得到可口可乐糖浆,因此就转而生产无需糖浆的饮料,并命名为芬达。没想到,芬达此后大获成功,也因此在二战结束后被美国总部引入,成为可口可乐旗下重要的产品线。
  • 现代圣诞老人的造型是可口可乐发明的。假的。大概是因为圣诞老人红白配色和可口可乐风格过于近似,所以会让人有这样的联想。的确。上个世纪四十年代,可口可乐的确用圣诞老人来进行冬季促销,但那时圣诞老人的造型已经大致定型。可口可乐铺天盖地的广告的确大大有利于圣诞老人形象的传播,但仅此而已。
  • 只有两个人知道可口可乐的配方,并且每个人只知道一半。假的。为了维持产品的吸引力,可口可乐的神秘配方一直是公司的宣传重点。的确,可口可乐的配方一直没有公开,并且锁在银行的保险箱里面,的确,公司只有两位官员被授权接触到这两份配方--但是并非只能各自接触一半,后面说的这种做法,肯德基倒是用过,它家的某种调料是在两个地方分别各自生产一半,然后到第三地混合在一起。




Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Attention economy

Sorry that I left my blog alone for nearly 2 weeks. Today I found a very nice summary for building relationships and gaining attentions (especially online), namely "10 things to remember about the attention economy" by twdanny, as follows:

    1. You want to receive attention.
    2. You want to receive long-lasting attention. This is where a brand is born.
    3. In order to receive long-lasting attention, you need to build trust.
    4. Trust is built when relationships are formed.
    5. Relationships are formed when conversations take place.
    6. A true conversation is based on transparency.
    7. The intrusion of money into the formula annihilates transparency.
    8. Transparency is a son of authenticity.
    9. The Web, compared to other types of medium, is more likely to transfer authenticity through the use of links.
    10. Authenticity, transparency, and conversations are possible only when you let go of control and first trust the other.
The author then introduced a powerful book about attention and conversation, named The Cluetrain Manifasto, which now ranks #6 in Businessweek's list of 2000 business bestsellers and #9 in Amazon's list of 2000 business bestsellers. Moreover, luckily for all of us the entire book goes public online. Just click here to read everything.